Ought Ten and I haven't forgotten you! Although if you were really a baby, dear blog, you'd be dead and I'd be in jail right now. Or on the lam. That's how neglectful I've been.
This big ether sea of Internets and you are just a tiny drop. How could I leave you alone so long?
You were riding the waves, counting the phases of the moon, watching the other blogs connect and re-connect with reader and writer alike. You didn't feel sorry for yourself; you're stoic, for a blog. You let the sea-salt air whip your face; you spied Ahab out there and tried to lure him in with porn-like words and nubile phrases.
It didn't work, but that's probably for the best. Ahab's got Issues, man.
Now you know how I feel, trying to straddle that line between self-promotion and writerly prostitution. Trying to ride that bucking horse of the writer's MARKET.
I won't go on a tirade about talent being ignored or about the corroding effects of capitalism upon art...that will just conjure up the guilt I feel for ignoring you, blog baby.
Plus, I like stuff. I'm not about to go all minimalist yet. I just bought a new pair of boots. Boots and roads are my fascinations. AMC played all the "Road to" movies a few nights ago; I remember watching them as a child.
The above paragraph, if you've been paying attention, was a very subtle plug for my not-yet published novel, Little pink babies. It's a road novel that’s got danger, sex, high speed chases, drugs, both Julie Browns (wubba wubba wubba), political espionage, bar fights, black-outs, black top, rain, sun, lost highways, lots of pop culture, gas stations, men in overalls, stuffed armadillos, random conversations overheard, a philosophical treatise on Pez dispensers, booty calls, big booties, boots, Greco-Roman allusions, and, of course, a baby.
So blog, here's my news (i.e. this is where I continue my shameless self-promotion by masquerading publications etc. as things you need to know):
I've just had two poems accepted in the shady side review.
I've entered Little pink babies in the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award contest. If you're an emerging novelist, you can enter, too.
Here's the link: http://www.amazon.com/Breakthrough-Novel-Award-Books/b?ie=UTF8&node=332264011
The good editors over at Juked have nominated "Name game" for storySouth Million Writers Award.
Here's info on the award: http://www.storysouth.com/millionwriters.html
Here's a link to Juked: http://www.juked.com/
Thanks J.W. Wang et al!
And you, too, (well, not you, blog, as you're not quite sentient yet) can nominate stories for storySouth's award. See the rules on their website. This is not part of my shameless self-promotion. Nominate other writers; I mean it. Let other people know about those talented writers out there in the ether-sea.
Now here's a tune to walk you out:
Cause I sd so,